Monday, April 02, 2012

March Round Up

I actually can't remember the last time I posted anything on here, it must have been forever ago!

Where have I been?

Well. University has well and truly taken over my life. I had my half dissertation to hand in on the 21st of March and since then have had 4 other essays to finish as well as a website to build. Whoever says uni is easy is a liar! I am super stressed out and feel like I am constantly thinking about my work. Only 53 more days and I am finished forever!

As much as I don't want to grow up and get a real world job, I am eagerly anticipating finishing. I need some proper time to myself for once!

Anyway, here are a few photo's that I've accumulated over the past I don't know how many months...

Had to be one of studying in there...

I made myself a weight loss mood board type thing the other night. Trying to lose around two stone at the moment and thought a visual representation of my goals would help. 

Found this in Sainsburys the other day. I remember seeing him talk about this on the Apprentice last year but couldn't find one in the shops till now! It works pretty good but I don't think I like curved nails.

My Mister and I took a walk on the foreshore last week. It was such lovely weather and we both feel like exercising all the time that we thought we might as well make the most of these irregular occurrences! And yes, that is the Humber Bridge in the background! 

I started my new role at work this month which has been keeping me sort of busy. As much as I am learning a lot of new things, there hasn't been that much to do. I spent one afternoon gluing boxes together for a colleagues meeting. 

I may or may not have become addicted to Draw Something lately too (like the rest of the world...). I'm not a brilliant artist or anything but I do enjoy taking some time to have a quick doodle with people. Currently terrible at keeping up with my 20 or so games though! Either way, if you want to start a game comment below with your username! I don't know what mine is as I play through facebook :-/


Leave a comment :-D!