Monday, October 03, 2011

Happy Mondays #1

Finally, that little bit of inspiration I've  been searching for is back! To celebrate I'm starting up a series on my blog of 5 things that have made me happy within the past week :) 

I'm probably not the first person to start doing this so I'd love to see what other people have been posting on their blog! 

1 - Getting in the best shape ever. 

Although I did have three takeaways over the weekend - bad I know - I am actually on the path to getting in the best shape ever. I've been a member of the gym for ages but skipped it for a while when I was feeling really run down all the time. But now I have my energy back I'm trying to get into going as many times during the week as I feel possible, whilst not pushing myself too hard. 

I've also started doing the 30 day shred again (although not every day) and have started using this website - It is a relatively new website that combines social networking with exercise. You add friends via your profile, join challenges with other members of the website and track your workouts to gain points. I think it's a fab way to provide motivation to those who may find it difficult to keep up with their exercise!

2 - Watching new TV series with the OH

Image courtesy of wikipedia.
I don't know what's going on in TV land but there are some really good shows coming out just lately. Firstly there was Sirens during the summer holidays and now my boyfriend and I are obsessed with Awkward (MTV, Tuesdays 10pm), Fresh Meat (Channel 4, Wednesdays 10pm) and Happy Endings (e4, Thursdays 10pm). 

3 - Having awesome friends

Huge pub crawl. Playground whilst drunk. I need not say more.

4 - Shopping for my flat!

I won't even be moving into a flat on my own until next Summer but I'm already super excited. Naturally, I'm being really keen and finding bits and pieces to purchase whilst I can afford to now! I've always been one to plan ahead and this occasion is going to be treated no different. It's going to be my first flat, paid for with my own money (as opposed to student loans) and looked after entirely by me. It's a huge step for me even though I've lived in student housing and I can't wait. 

5 - Birthdays!

It's my boyfriends birthday on Wednesday but I feel like we've been celebrating for the past week! I've been trying to sort out little surprises for him for ages and thinking of nice things we can do for it. I love making other people happy, especially him, so it's been pretty enjoyable :) 


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