Saturday, January 07, 2012

Happy New Year!

I'm a little bit late to welcome you all into the new year but better late than never right? 

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and an even better New Years Eve! I spent my holiday period pretty much just relaxing and eating. Weeks of university stress had taken it's toll and I really just couldn't be bothered to move from in front of the television!

Unfortunately my break lasted a little longer than usual and now I have a fair bit of work to catch up on and a LOT of dieting to do. 

Naturally, I felt my first post of 2012 should be a quick one, discussing my goals for the year! I changed from calling them resolutions as I thought they would seem easier to achieve if they didn't have such a massive title ha!

  1. To lose 4 inches from my waist by 31st December 2012. I've put on a fair bit of weight since I started university, I'm not ashamed to say. I'm definitely not happy with it - although saying that, I don't think there's anything wrong with being my size (10/12), it's just not for me - and want to get back to the size I was. Especially since I own the most beautiful dress that I would love to fit into once again! 
  2. To graduate with a 2:1 BSc in Financial Management. I have a LOT of work to do regarding this goal. I was really stupid and wasted so much of my time last year and for that reason I have a lot of making up to do to get my grade up to a level where I can achieve a 2:1, but I think it's doable. I'll be getting my grades back for Semester 1 in a couple of weeks so we'll see what can happen after that! 
  3. To get a job for after I graduate. This goal is a little vague BUT it's going to be difficult to get any sort of job after university, never mind my 'dream' job. There are so many business graduates nowadays that the schemes end up rejecting 95% of applicants. I have no idea what the future holds regarding my career after June but hopefully by the end of the year I will be in a job somewhere doing something interesting! 
  4. To move into my own flat! I have had a small taste of independence and I love it. I don't think I will ever live with either of my parents ever again now haha. I know that sounds awful but I enjoy doing my own thing too much. I've already started buying little bits and pieces to make moving that little bit easier, so hopefully I will end up with somewhere to put it all! 
I would love to hear all of your goals/resolutions for 2012 so leave a comment or @reply me on twitter :) 

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