Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Week In Pictures

The past week (and a couple extra days) has been quite busy for me. It's weird how filled up my time is this summer compared to last. And that's despite the fact I had two jobs last summer! Anyway, I'm not complaining, it makes a change to have things to do. 

I thought I would upload a few pictures taken over the last week or so for a quick blog post. 

One of the IT Technicians amazing car! Highlight of my morning was definitely walking past this in the car park. 

Well, I thought I had rotated this but clearly it failed. Read this little fact in cosmo and am currently figuring out whether it's got some truth behind it! 

Gorgeous little bracelet my boyfriends sister brought back from Turkey for me :)  I'm a sucker for quirky bracelets and the turquoise stones are very in fashion at the moment! 

Enjoying the luxury that is having a bath whilst visiting my mum for the weekend! (We only have a shower in my student house)

Enjoying winding up my Grandma's budgie for what could be the last time.
Last time I saw him in May he had managed to rip a claw off whilst in his cage, we didn't think he'd pull through as he bled a LOT and was very timid afterwards. He still hasn't healed properly and is still in pain a lot of the time. It makes me very sad leaving him every time knowing it could well be the last time I see him. He's been a part of my life for such a long time despite budgies supposedly having short life spans, it'll be odd going to my Grandma's and him not being there. 

Cooking Mum Sunday lunch! I will admit it doesn't look that amazing in this picture, but I can assure you once it was drowning in gravy it was delicious.

Randomly spotting old friends in the paper! (Adam, on the left)

Wondering why Lidl were selling equestrian accessories (especially in a city like mine where people don't really have a lot of money)

Stock take yet again - possibly the worst part of my job.

New manicure (details to come) and handmade (by me) scrabble ring! 

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