Thursday, June 09, 2011

We Need To Talk About... My Week

One thing I have decided to start doing on this new blog is a midweek ramble type post. Many of the blogs that I am subscribed to incorporate something like this into their weekly postings and so I thought it would be a good place to start getting myself into writing. I haven't quite figured out the standard format so don't expect the same things to be included every week! 

A topic that will definitely occur every week is a brief summary of what I have been up to in the past week - if I can actually remember what I have been doing that is! Because right now, I'm struggling! Mostly I have just been working my little socks off in the office whilst trying to think up excuses why I simply CANNOT go to the gym that night.

Last Friday my boyfriend hosted a BBQ for a few of his friends and I. Most of the night is one big blur of Rosé wine but I vaguely recall taking this picture of my rabbit who was allowed in her run for a short while:

She is a hungry little girl and eats so much grass when she's in the run that she has managed to stain her fur green! (FYI, she is called Doctor Who - I'm not a geek, I swear - is a lion head rabbit and is only a few months old)

EDIT: my boyfriend would also like me to mention that we also have another beautiful rabbit called Chicken (don't ask)

Also in the past week I have really been enjoying this tumblr: Temptalia 
Christine, the person behind the blog Temptalia (which you can find here:, also runs a tumblr, posting pictures of all sorts of beauty related things. I have been gazing in awe at the China Glaze crackle metal nail polishes that she has been swatching and decided that I must have at least one in my life asap. 

Well, seeing as I don't have a format for this feature right now I shall leave it at that! Until next time! 

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